Food Needed
You can drop donations at the foodbank in the Market Place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am and 12pm.
We always need:
Tinned meals and meat
Longlife milk
Toilet Rolls
We are so grateful to the support and donations from the community and could not do our work without them.
Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers to join the rota for our regular Monday, Wednesday and Friday service.
If you would like to find out more email
Waitrose Drop Off
In addition to dropping donations at the foodbank in the Market Place, we also have a drop point in Waitrose. It is by the door and you do not have to purchase food from Waitrose to use it.
We are so grateful to the support and donations from the community and could not do our work without them.
Faringdon and District Rotary Club
The Rotary club have always been big supporters of the food bank. Throughout the pandemic they have provided support with funding and volunteer runs to the cash and carry.
At Christmas they helped us fund 75 Christmas parcels which included dinners. Last week they funded a consignment of toilet rolls! This week they collected a d delivered a consignment of food from Oxford.
Thank you!
Food bank and the pandemic
During the pandemic the food bank is operating from a larger room in the Council Offices both because we have seen an upsurge in demand and this enables social distancing. The Food bank has being operated by Town Council staff since the start of the pandemic. This ensures that there are fewer people in the council building. FTC work closely with the foodbank team to ensure the service is run according to their plans and hope to hand back the reins as soon as possible.
If you are collecting or donating during the restrictions please ring the bell situated outside n the pavement and we will come to you, this ensures that are clients and supports can stay outside and safe.